I know there have been large gaps in the blogging lately. Part of that has been limited internet where we are staying. At home, I hardly sit down, so blogging takes a back seat to the rest of life. And part of it is my own mental state. You have to be able to communicate effectively and I have been exhausted both physically and emotionally as of late, so I have kind of circled the wagons and kept to myself.
That being said...I am currently in the Toledo area with Will. Our Angel Flight was canceled due to weather, so we left very quickly Tuesday evening so we could break the drive into two days. The weather was ugly, but we arrived safely.
We have a couple of doctor appointments that are days apart, so I find myself with all kinds of down time and I am truly at whit's end. I dream of down time but now that I have it I have no clue how to handle it. :) We are in a little township that is very laid back, so it has made for fabulous running opportunities which really does help. William sleeps til noon, so I awaken around 7, listen to the cars outside, then finally get up and run...then I either walk to the coffee shop a couple of blocks away or the cafe across the street for breakfast. It has been lovely to be able to walk everywhere and to not have to drive a bazillion miles! I could get used to this. :)
As for the rest...here's a quick update.
Will is not handling the trip all that well, but it could be worse. He is getting IV's not quite every day. He should get them every day, but it is a fine line you walk with a 14 yo who does not wish to deal with the daily encumbrance.
I did run the half marathon a week ago. It was truly a monumental experience. When they say running is a mental sport, it is absolutely true. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the coaches at my local running store, to Billy for watching the kids twice a week so I could join the group runs, and to KT who started and ended it with me...and who fed me afterward so I wouldn't pass out. Will I run another? I hope so. Stay tuned for more info on that...KT is working on a fund raising effort to raise awareness for mitochondrial disease. As soon as all of those details are worked out I will pass them along.
Caroline finally had her MRI last week. We are still waiting on the results. I had hoped to get a call last week, so tomorrow will be another call to the doctor's office.
As the school year draws to an end, we are scrounging for answers on how to handle next year. The little guys will most likely not return to their current school, so we have to make some significant decisions...the options are not all that great, so it is a huge challenge.
Thank you for your patience with me as I deal with the insanity of life and occasionally take a break from the outside world. I deeply appreciate your understanding and your prayers as things get a bit crazy and I find insufficient time to update the blog.
1 comment:
Isn't it awful when you kave the time to do what ever you want, but you don't have any idea what to do? Mostly because you don't have what you need. IF you were at home you would be super busy, so please, just take some time and enjoy some time to yourself.
BTW: You might be interested in the last blog I posted. All about one of your favorite women.
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