Saturday, July 25, 2009

Toledo Bound

So, we're packing up and heading for Toledo Monday morning. Kids are packed (except for meds and toothbrushes) and beyond excited to spend the week with Randy and Erlene. Will is packed (except for meds and toothbrush). My clothes are in the washer and I'm putting all of Will's medical files in a nice neat notebook (which I shoulda done like a year ago!). We're almost organized which is totally scary. :)

So here's my dilemna...I've been asked if I would be interested in speaking at next year's HEAV convention regarding homeschooling and chronically ill children. I have the resume', but do I have the time? Is what I have to say worthwhile to someone else who is similarly struggling or to someone who wants to help someone similarly struggling? (Don't concentrate on the poor grammar here...) ;) And if so, do I have time to write the "speech" and record it before Sept 1? Ah, the questions abound...

Here's my second dilemna...Since I'm simply awash with spare time and financial resources (NOT!), I actually considered running in the mito 5K in Cambridge in September. I realize this is a pipe dream, but it would be really cool to do it as a fundraiser for the organization so they can in turn help research mito and support the families out there struggling...A girl can dream, right? It would be so nice to feel like you can do something to fix the unfixable...which I realize is ultimately in the Lord's hands, but for those of us who like to DO something, well...

Yes, this is a totally rambling post that most of you probably won't care about, but it's all part and parcel of my current thought processes. Maybe it's my version of escapism after a really ugly week? Don't know...

To Toledo...and beyond!!! :)


The Clarke Family said...

Cambridge where? And we definitly care about what you are writing!! Love you. We'll be praying for you as you go to Toledo. Tell Will hi from Chris & Kelly :)

Unknown said...

Hi there. I am praying for you and your family today and this week!